Malcolm B.

This is why I have subscribed to SSiW.
I had a posting to Swansea in the late 50s and spent four wonderful years there. Although my work colleagues all spoke Welsh, I never tried to learn the language seriously.
There was a very dear live-in caretaker in the building and she would get me to read from Y Beibl or Y Testament Newydd, so my Welsh was rather liturgical. I could say ‘pob bendith i chi’ before I knew what ‘bore da’ meant.
I met someone back then – he was Welsh – and that resulted in a 65-year-long friendship, which ended with his death recently. Thinking back to that time has made me want to learn the language properly.
Considering I’m such a technophobe and am now in my mid-eighties, my chances are slim, but I will persevere.