Accelerated spoken confidence

The SaySomethingin Method is like high-intensity interval training for languages. It will push you to your limits – but the effort you put in will trigger unusually fast results. You’ll be able to say your first sentence (with confidence) in just a few minutes, and then we’ll keep extending your range and flexibility – and because of the memory techniques we use, even when you take a break from your learning, you won’t lose any ground.

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Adapts with you, for you

You can always ask for a little more practice if you’re finding something tricky, and you can skip ahead if it’s a little too easy – we pay attention to what you do, and we’re always fine-tuning your learning journey – we’re aiming for the sweet spot where it’s just slightly out of your comfort zone – enough to challenge you, and keep you learning quickly, but with plenty of moments of success to keep you feeling good about what you’re achieving.

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Physically changes your brain

The SaySomethingin Method works because it nudges your brain in exactly the right ways to create and strengthen new synapses – the connections between neurons that are responsible for most learning. You won’t be conscious of this until you start to have the weird but fun experience of new words just ‘bubbling up in your brain’, as our learners say. All you have to do is pay attention in the app, and we’ll take care of the rest.
