We said we’d get people speaking English
with confidence in 30 hours, and they didn’t believe us – they do now!

Tea Leaf Trust alumni from the Maskeliya school went through the ‘Anyone Can Teach’ teacher training programme, with Tom Cassidy, friend of Tea Leaf Trust and Head of Education at SSi – SaySomethingin.com.
To get them to experience the SSi methodology, they learnt Welsh, using our AutoMagic™ system and after only one hour of in-app learning time, the students could confidently knock out a bunch of sentences in Welsh. They found it much easier than we expected!!!
Testimonial from Abhi

Testimonial from Vinodha

Part One: Pilots
In October 2022 SSi ran 4 pilot programmes in Sri Lanka:
• English for Sinhalese Speakers • Village context
• 15 learners, ages 8-50
• 4 x 120 min sessions = 8 hrs total learning
• English for Sinhalese Speakers • Air Force Professionals
• 8 learners, ages 30-35
• 3 x 90 min sessions = 4.5 hrs total learning
• English for Sinhalese Speakers • Govt. School English Teachers • 122 teachers ages 25-50
• 1 x 3hr session = 3 hrs total learning
Nuwara Eliya
• English for Tamil Speakers • Trainee English Teachers • 15 teachers, ages 19-24
• 6 x 1.5 hr sessions = 9 hours total learning

Stats from the Pilot
153 Evaluations
98 Written Reviews
Average Rating 9.2/10
“This is a new and advanced methodology for all of us to learn and teach English. Keep up the good work.”
“It is good method because everyone can learn properly within a specific period of time.”
Part Two: AnyoneCanTeach
In April 2023 SSi launched the AnyoneCanTeach experiment.
AnyoneCanTeach [ACT] is an SSi initiative designed to give locals the ability to generate income, through becoming teachers of spoken languages, using the SSi methodology.
Even though most teachers will become teachers of English, they were trained in WELSH to experience the joy of the SSi methodology when learning a brand new language, to empathise with their future students.
• AnyoneCanTeach Programme
• In partnership with Tea Leaf Trust • 2x days training
• 60 mins of intensive Welsh
• 26 students

Stats from AnyoneCanTeach
155 Evaluations
138 Written Reviews
Average Rating 9.1/10
“No one has ever taught me how to take a calculated risk and I think this will be a huge help for me and the decisions I make in the future.”
“Well I learned so much things i mean this is really awesome i got no words. The way you taught about problem solving it’s nice and I think it’s really working out. And i feel more comfortable with my classmates now. So thank you so much!”